Writer, Educator, and Editor

"A writer is somebody for whom
writing is more difficult
than it is for other people"
~Thomas Mann
Like many Writers, I started young. I think I was 6 or 7 when I entered my first writing contest, a poetry contest. I risked all my popularity in 6th grade by reading a story I had written aloud to my class. In high school, I started writing fan fiction, building skills in plot and characterization and setting. It took three degrees in fiction (BA, MA, and MFA) before I finally figured out what my Voice was and what I wanted to say with it.
Now, here we are.
Current Projects
I can't seem to work on only one thing at a time. Maybe that's why it takes me so long to finish projects, but whenever I seem to fizzle out on one thing, I switch gears and work on something else. Eventually I get back to the first project and start the cycle over again....

A short-story collection about the 2nd American Civil War. Two of these stories were included in my MFA thesis at Ashland University. The plan is to write 12 stories spanning from the beginning of the war to the generation after the war ends.
The Princess Trials, a YA fantasy book following Melvia, a secret, magic healer who has been called to participate in a competition to become Queen of her country
Literary fiction - everything from the domestic lives of women to science fiction Christmas stories. Inspiration might strike anywhere....